Development of prices by instrument


Instrument description

Name: BONO USD STEP UP 2030 L.A. Does it have coupon: Si Board lot: 1
ISIN: ARARGE3209S6 Currency of issue: Dólares Residual value: 100

Próximo servicio financiero

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(*) En la moneda de emisión, según se indica, por cada 100 de V.N.O.

Values and prices traded today

No trading at the moment.

Var. B.P. last / prev.:

Closing prices historical chart


Determinación del precio de cierre
08/04/24 574.200 574.200 574.200 574.200
10/04/24 557.550 559.087 559.087 557.550
11/04/24 553.362 559.750 553.362 553.362
15/04/24 554.500 559.000 559.000 559.000
16/04/24 551.330 551.330 551.330 551.330
17/04/24 558.231 558.231 558.231 559.159
18/04/24 589.860 591.000 591.000 589.860
23/04/24 599.760 609.500 609.500 599.760
24/04/24 586.058 586.058 586.058 586.058
25/04/24 588.918 588.918 588.918 588.918

NR = Non-representative price